Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: My Personal Review of this Blog

Did you see that Oxford comma on the title? AWW YEAH! Just kidding, I am here to do a review of my past posts and discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of this blog.

THE GOOD: My first post

My blogpost entitled "Apple is not overpriced" is the strongest blogpost I've ever written here. The purpose of that blogpost is to serve as a counter strike against http://thejeremydefect.wordpress.com/. His inflammatory and downright ridiculous claims outraged me. I believe that I am inclined to defend Apple, not only because I am an Apple user, but because I know that what he's saying is not right. My first blogpost exhibited a lot of examples that counteracts thejeremydefect's claims, which I think was awesome.

THE BAD: My second post

The post where I introduced this blog seemed lackluster to me. I was awesome on the first post then all the gains I've made as a blogger probably was cancelled out by that second post. I just don't feel that it is worthy of being in this blog. Anyway, I don't think it's crap, I just thing it can be better.

THE UGLY: Improvements

Based on the comments that I've read from my classmates, I think that the overarching goal of this blog, which is to tell stories about Apple and anything related to it is working. I learned that a lot of people were not familiar with Steve Jobs' involvement with Pixar and my readers were happy that they were able to learn new information from my blog.

My biggest problem ofcourse is grammar. Well, I can't make an excuse anymore. I should be able to write seamlessly with proper grammar. I've been in school for more than 12 years now and I should be able to write as a 12th grader. Perhaps more practice can help me eradicate my grammar problem.

I am planning to shift away from Steve Jobs in my next post and start talking about the iPhone 4s and Siri. Although I do not own an iPhone, I will do tremendous research in order to satiate my readers' desire for Apple news and reviews. I, ofcourse, will also give my take on the Apple products and connected software. APPS YAY!


That is something that I am in dire need right now. For the next 6 weeks, I will try to get as inspired as I can in order to give good content to this blog. I would not let my quest to go to college hinder my writing of this blog. I hope I will be able to write better and cover more interesting topics.


  1. I honestly thought this was Jeremy's blog for a second until I remembered. Anyway, you know what I have to say. Keep up the good work. And prepare of rainy days when 'someone' might come out of your closet and do things to you and your computer.

  2. I like your determination to do your best on this blog despite it being college app season! That's pretty inspiring! (Even when I'm not writing for journalism, I find myself deleting oxford commas everywhere.)
